Delhi: The overall air quality in the national capital has inched to 'very poor' category. The Air Quality Index touched 350 Sunday morning. Launching a strong criticism of Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, Manoj Tiwari the BJP MP from North-East Delhi said, "As pollution rises, CM Kejriwal should've stayed in Delhi to prepare for Chhath Puja, instead he's touring Gujarat as he doesn't want to facilitate devotees here. If he isn't concerned about Delhi, he should go to Punjab and become CM there."
Delhi air quality drops to 'very poor' categorgy, Kejriwal faces flak
The overall air quality in the national capital has inched to 'very poor' category.
Delhi: The overall air quality in the national capital has inched to 'very poor' category. The Air Quality Index touched 350 Sunday morning. Launching a strong criticism of Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, Manoj Tiwari the BJP MP from North-East Delhi said, "As pollution rises, CM Kejriwal should've stayed in Delhi to prepare for Chhath Puja, instead he's touring Gujarat as he doesn't want to facilitate devotees here. If he isn't concerned about Delhi, he should go to Punjab and become CM there."