New Delhi: In a rather eerie incident at the cremation ground in Tikri Khurd area of New Delhi, an allegedly dead elderly man lying on the pyre opened his eyes just before the last rites.
According to the information received, 62-year-old Satish Bhardwaj was receiving treatment for cancer in a well-known hospital in Delhi. On Sunday, around 11 doctors had declared the elderly person dead in the morning, after which the family members of the deceased went to the crematorium to perform his last rites. At around 3pm, when the family completed the last process of pouring Gangajal in the mouth of the deceased before the last rites, the supposed dead man opened his eyes and started speaking.
After the incident, the family immediately called Delhi Police and CATs Ambulance and informed about the whole matter. The old man was admitted to Raja Harishchandra Hospital in Narela thereafter.
In the investigation, the report of the elderly's BP, heart beat, pulse has been recorded as normal. The doctors at the hospital confirmed that the old man is absolutely fine. After the reports came, he was referred to Lok Nayak Jai Prakash Narayan Hospital in New Delhi for further treatment. The further investigation into the matter is underway.
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