New Delhi: The Delhi Disaster Management Authority (DDMA) has revised its guidelines with respect to compulsory wearing of masks while travelling alone in a car. The decision was taken in a meeting held to revive the Covid situation in Delhi on Friday. An order in this regard was issued by the Department of Health and Family Welfare, Government of Delhi. Delhi Health Minister Manish Sisodia also tweeted, "Wearing mask in car with single person shall not be mandatory now in Delhi."
Earlier, the Delhi High Court had termed as absurd a Delhi government order making it compulsory to wear a mask while driving alone in the context of COVID-19 and asked why the decision was still prevailing. "It is a Delhi government order, why don't you withdraw it. It is absurd actually. You are sitting in your own car and you must wear the mask? Why is this order prevailing? Take instructions," a bench of Justices Vipin Sanghi and Jasmeet Singh had told the Delhi government counsel.
READ: DDMA meeting to review COVID-19 situation in Delhi underway
Wearing masks while driving an official or personal vehicle was made compulsory in Delhi through an official order issued in April 2020.