New Delhi: Delhi Commission for Women (DCW) chief Swati Maliwal wrote a letter to Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla and Rajya Sabha Chairman Jagdeep Dhankhar on Friday, urging them to suspend today’s Parliamentary business to discuss women's safety issues as today is the 10th anniversary of Nirbhaya gang rape.
As you may be aware today is the 10th anniversary of Nirbhaya. She was gang raped brutally in December 2012 and was subjected to the most horrific atrocities by the rapists. The incident shook the conscience of the country which witnessed unprecedented protest that ultimately led to the several legal reforms.
However, 10 years have passed since the gruesome incident and crimes against women and girls are only increasing in the country. Every day there are six rapes reported in the national capital itself. An eight month old baby and 90 year old woman have been raped in Delhi.
Two days back, a 17 year old girl was going to her school in Dwarka, Delhi. When two bike borne youth threw acid on her. She has sustained major burns and is currently admitted in a hospital in serious condition. Similar horrific cases are being reported from all parts of the country.
The problem of increasing crimes against women and girls have reached an epidemic proportion and the governments are failing to take concrete steps to counter it. Even the Nirbhaya fund that was set up for providing relief and rehabilitation for women and girls has been reduced substantially. The Governments have failed to create deterrance in the mind of people against crime against women and girls.