New Delhi: A poster war ensued between the AAP and BJP on social media on Saturday with both parties taking digs at each other following a ruckus during elections for the six-member standing committee in the MCD House a day before. The BJP took a dig at AAP MLA Atishi on Saturday, calling her a "villain" and accusing her of orchestrating the ruckus during elections for the six-member standing committee in the Municipal Corporation of Delhi House.
Sharing a mock-up film poster with morphed pictures of Aam Aadmi Party MLAs Atishi and Durgesh Pathak alongside Mayor Shelly Oberoi, the Delhi BJP tweeted in Hindi, "AAP's 'khalnayika' who orchestrated violence and dictatorship in the House."
The AAP also shared a mock-up poster featuring BJP MPs Manoj Tiwari, Gautam Gambhir, councillor Rekha Gupta along with other leaders with the title "Ballot Chor Machaye Shor". The AAP said in a tweet in Hindi, "The BJP people who are making so much noise. These are the ones who stole ballot papers and are killers of democracy."
The MCD House witnessed high-decibel protests by the BJP councillors after Oberoi declared that a vote cast during the election was "invalid". The bedlam turned into pandemonium as violent clashes broke out between councillors from the two parties. Oberoi had barely started to announce the results when the ruckus began. (PTI)