Hyderabad: Tata Motors Finance Limited approached the cyber police on Saturday alleging that cybercriminals posing as company officials were duping its customers causing huge losses to both. ''For the last few days, unknown persons have been calling many of the people who have taken cars and autos from our company under the finance policy and asking them to pay EMIs. Four or five of the people thought they were the officials from Tata Motors who called them and they paid Rs 20,000,'' said a Tata Motors Finance representative in the complaint.
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The scam was revealed when the genuine officials of the company called the customers asking them to pay the EMIs. The victims said that when they examined the accounts to which the money was transferred, they were found to be from arbitrary banks. It is believed that the scamsters have accessed the list of the customers and called them while posing as TATA officials later on. Tata Motors Finance representatives requested the police to arrest the fraudsters.