New Delhi: The Customs officials recovered 1kg 390 grams worth of gold more than Rs 60 lakh at the International Airport in Chennai. Gold was brought from Sharjah to Chennai by an air passenger hiding it in the rectum and inner layer of shirt pants. The customs team has arrested the accused and recovered the gold paste.
According to a customs spokesperson from the Delhi Headquarters, "the Customs officials of the Chennai Airport had received information about smuggling gold from Sharjah on Air Arabia flight number G9-473 to Chennai airport on Monday."
The customs officers stopped the suspicious passenger near the exit point. The custom officials recovered, 3 small bundles of gold paste from the rectum of the accused, and gold paste from the inner layer of his shirt-pants. The market value of this gold is Rs 60. 27 lakhs. The accused has been arrested and gold confiscated under the Customs Act 1962. Further investigation is underway.