Hyderabad: Hyderabad Police have arrested the owner of the Curlies restaurant Edwin Nunes from the Anjuna area in Goa in a narcotics case on Friday. Nunes, who was among the five accused earlier arrested following the death of BJP leader Sonali Phogat in September, was arrested soon after he was granted bail in another case.
Also Read: CBI inspects Sonali Phogat's PA's house in Gurugram
The Curlies restaurant made the headlines after investigation revealed that it was at this restaurant Phogat attended a party hours before her death. Police sources said that after Nunes walked out of police custody following compliance with bail conditions, Hyderabad Police was already waiting for him at the police station and arrested him in relation to a case registered against him in Telangana.
Police sources said that Nunes played a key role in the supply of drugs from Goa to Hyderabad. Another person identified as Narayana Borkar was arrested three months ago by the Narcotics Division police. According to police Borkar was involved in bringing drugs from Goa and supplying them to Hyderabad.