Medininagar: A CRPF jawan allegedly shot himself dead with his service rifle in Jharkhand's Latehar district on Saturday morning, police said. Merajuddin Mapno, 40, was posted with 218 Battalion of the CRPF. He was a native of Bandipora in Jammu and Kashmir, they said. Preliminary investigation revealed that Mapno took his life because of family problems, Superintendent of Police of Latehar Anjani Anjan told PTI.
The incident took place at Banskarcha picket where Mapno was on sentry duty, he said. On hearing the gunshot, Mapno's colleagues and other officials rushed to the spot and found him lying in a pool of blood. He was soon taken to the Mahuatand community health centre where he died while undergoing treatment, police said. Mapno's colleagues said he had breakfast and seemed normal before the incident. (PTI)