New Delhi: After petrol prices crossed Rs 100 mark in the national capital, the Congress party launched a scathing attack on the Central government, on Wednesday, saying that if it is not able to take down the inflation rate in the country then it should leave the chair. While addressing a press conference, Congress' Chief Spokesperson and General Secretary Randeep Singh Surjewala said, "Today the Modi government is only eradicating the hunger for power and the income of 140 crore people is being looted by this inflation."
As the price of petrol has crossed Rs 100 per litre in more than 200 cities including Delhi, while, Diesel prices are touching Rs 90 per litre, Congress asserted that within 7 months in the year 2021, the Modi government has increased the fuel prices by 69 times. Surjewala further alleged that from April 2014 to June 2021, the Modi government has earned Rs 25 lakh crores from petrol and diesel price hike.
Read:| Centre should disburse loan for people amid fuel price hike: Congress
"Modi government increased the excise duty on petrol by 258 per cent and on diesel by 820 per cent in 7 years. Center's Excise duty on petrol was Rs 9.20 per litre in May 2014, which is Rs 23.78 per litre today. Excise duty on diesel was Rs 3.46 per litre in May 2014, which is Rs 28.37 per litre today," Surjewala pointed out. He added, "In the year 2014-15, the Central government used to collect Rs 99,068 crore annually from excise which has now increased to Rs 4,51,000 crore in the year 2020-21."
Read:| Congress holds nationwide protests against fuel price rise
"We just have one demand from this government. Either lower the prices or leave the chair," the Congress leader asserted. Given the rising prices, various states and block units of the Congress party took out protests as 'Cycle Yatra' at petrol pumps demanding a reduction on the petrol and diesel prices.