Raipur: Rajya Sabha MP Ranjeet Ranjan, who was on the Chhattisgarh tour, launched a tirade at Union Minister Smriti Irani over the hike in the price of gas cylinders. She said that if the Union Minister is concerned about women, she should oppose the hike in gas cylinders price. Ranjan during the media interaction also shared her views on Maoists.
On the missing poster released by BJP, the MP clarified that she was busy with the 'Bharat Jodo Yatra'. She spoke about her Bastar tour and how she was looking forward to it. The MP shared, "My main target is to travel all over Chhattisgarh and understand the needs of the people here." She also shared her opinion on the Maoist issue in the country. She believes not all Maoists are wrong and many of them have been exploited. "They are humans, we are also humans, why should we fear?" She aims at developing Bastar as a tourist place.