New Delhi: Congress appointed senior party leader and former MP Jai Prakash Agarwal as the AICC in charge of Madhya Pradesh on Thursday. Agarwal will succeed Mukul Wasnik who had requested interim Congress president Sonia Gandhi to relieve him of the responsibility of the Madhya Pradesh unit as he wants to focus on other organizational matters.
Also read: Is Mukul Wasnik getting a bigger role in Congress?
"Congress president has appointed Jai Prakash Agarwal as AICC in-charge of Madhya Pradesh with immediate effect," an official statement by Congress said. It further stated that Sonia Gandhi has accepted Wasnik's request to be relieved from the responsibility as general secretary in charge of Madhya Pradesh so that he can oversee other organizational work.
"Congress president has accepted the request of Mukul Wasnik to relieve him from his current responsibility as general secretary in charge of Madhya Pradesh so that he can oversee other organisational matters," the statement said. Congress leadership said that Wasnik will continue as AICC general secretary.