Ranchi: Famous Bollywood drama queen, Rakhi Sawant, is up with another controversy as a complaint has been logged in Ranchi's SC/ST police station against her after she termed her belly dancing costume as an 'Adivasi' and 'tribal' attire. Jharkhand's Kendriya Sarna Samiti has filed the case after a video of Rakhi calling her costume 'tribal' and 'Adivasi' went viral.
In the video, she says, "Hey guys Aap Mera Yeh Look Dekh Rahe Hai Aaj...Poora tribal looks...Poora Adivasi Jisko Hum Kehte Hain"
Ajay Tirkey, chairman of the Central Sarna Committee, says "it's an insult to the tribal community by associating such clothes with tribals, as our people won't wear such clothes. So we had filed a complaint against her demanding action."
In the complaint, it's been mentioned that the act committed by Rakhi Sawant in the viral video has defamed the entire tribal community and people's sentiments got hurt. "We demand action against her and we will be boycotting everyone who will not be respecting the tribal culture,' he added.