Jalandhar (Punjab): A case was registered against comedian Bharti Singh at Adampur police station in Jalandhar district of Punjab, on Monday. Misl Tarna Dal chief Bhai Lakhbir Singh and Jassi Talhan, president of Guru Ravidas Tiger Force, have filed the case against comedian Bharti Singh for hurting the religious sentiments by her remarks. Police said the case was instituted against Bharti Singh under Section 295 (A) of the IPC.
Earlier, after allegedly hurting religious sentiments with her jokes about moustaches and beards, comedian Bharti Singh, had apologized to everyone. Taking to Instagram, Bharti had posted a video in which she explained that she was misjudged by people as her intentions were pure.
Also read: Comedian Bharti Singh apologises after her old video of mocking beard goes viral