Maharajganj (Uttar Pradesh): Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath while addressing an election rally as well as seeking votes in favor of Gyanendra Singh, the BJP candidate from Paniyara seat, said, after hearing that Bulldozer is again making a comeback, several leaders from SP and BSP have started booking tickets for abroad. "After March 10, no space will be left for these leaders. Because after the completion of the fifth phase of the election there is an indication that Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has gone far ahead from the absolute majority. Now, only sixers and fours are required to break the previous records," said UP CM.
"I possess a very good and useful equipment-Bulldozer. The equipment helps in making highways as well as carrying out a crackdown on Mafias. Hence, a large number of BJP MLAs will give a strong and effective government. The strong BJP government will further expedite the development work in Uttar Pradesh. It also helps Bulldozer to keep a check on activities of Mafias and outlaws in the state," said UP CM Adityanath.
Speaking about his model of governance, which was later implemented throughout Uttar Pradesh, CM Yogi Adityanath asked the people, "How is the situation in UP? Have they ever witnessed or heard riots in the last five years in UP?"---To which the gathering said 'No'. UP CM also said, if they (people) didn't agree with his statement, are free to raise their hands.
"Now, rioters have gone in hiding, no one dares to tease daughters; temples are not vandalized, cow slaughters have stopped and butchers have gone into oblivion. Besides, we are also working on stray animals menace; so that crops of Annadata (grain providers) can be protected from these roaming bovines," said the UP CM.
Before 2017, electricity supply was made available to people on the basis of caste or religion. The previous state governments were ensuring electricity supply during Eid and Muharram but didn't care much during Holi and Diwali. Now, it is available to all, without any discrimination, said Yogi Adityanath.
During Covid-19, we provided testing and treatment to people free of cost, Modiji provided Covid vaccines to eligible people for free, said UP CM, adding, "When we asked from Opposition that outline their achievements; they said that they had constructed boundary walls of graveyards." "But, my government worked for all including farmers, youths, poor and needy in the state," the CM said.