Gazipur (Uttar Pradesh): UP Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath while addressing an election rally at Zamania in Gazipur district of the state said, BJP has already gained a lead and moved far ahead from attaining the absolute majority. "We have reached the 275 mark and heading to cross the 330 mark."
"Now, this war has entered a decisive phase. BJP has been carrying out several welfare measures for the poor, needy, youths, safety, and security of women and farmers under the guidance of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. While on the other hand, Samajwadi Party, BSP, and Congress have nothing to do with development work. Opponents are sympathizing with terrorists, mafias, and outlaws." "They are busy promoting Dynastic rule, Vansvaad, and Parivarwad," he added.
Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath further said, Mafias in the state have now started 'crawling' and are now on the 'wheelchair'. "Before 2017, the wheel of progress had come to a grinding halt in Uttar Pradesh and after 2017, it gained momentum. But, again they (Opposition) have come together and planning to install government backing criminals. But, the people of the state, very well understand who their well-wishers are and working for their safety and progress."
Lambasting the previous Samajwadi government in the state, UP CM said, "Once, goondas and mafias were ruling the roost in the state. But, after BJP's coming to power, the criminals started crawling. Mafia was compelled to the wheelchair."
Read Also: Samajwadi Party sympathises with terrorists: UP CM Yogi
The land of Gazipur had produced scores of brave soldiers who fought for their motherland. But this place gained notoriety and a bad name when mafias became active. "Once, an outlaw traveling in an open jeep vehicle and brandishing a weapon attempted to disrupt the Ram Leela function. Thereafter, he went on torching houses belonging to different castes, and then the Samajwadi government did nothing and remained a mute spectator to the incident"
Now, the fight is between progress and destruction. Besides, what role the UP will play in shaping the future of the country will be cleared in this election," said UP CM.