Jaipur: Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot emphasising social security said that the government has provided treatment and insurance facilities up to Rs 10 lakh to the common man in the State under the Chiranjeevi Yojana. "We have addressed a letter to Prime Minister Narendra Modi that such scheme should be implemented across the country so that every person can get social security," said the Rajasthan CM while inaugurating the Heart Camp organised by Sri Sathya Sai Heart Hospital in Jaipur. Addressing the inaugural session organised at Mahaveer School, the Rajasthan Chief Minister said that 1.33 crore families in the State have been covered under the Chiranjeevi scheme. "But the government could not be happy only by launching schemes, the benefits of these schemes should reach the poor," said Gehlot.
Read: Health workers ride on camel carts to boost vaccination in Rajasthan
CM Gehlot also appealed to the people of Rajasthan to create awareness about the welfare schemes of the government among the poor so that more and more persons could be benefitted from them. Gehlot also praised the Sri Sathya Sai Seva Trust and its officials and also urged them to set up a hospital in Rajasthan along the lines of Gujarat hospital. On the other hand, contractual Homeopathy and Unani doctors, who are demanding regularisation of their services, handed over a memorandum to the Chief Minister.