Jaipur: Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot has made a scathing attack on senior party leader Kapil Sibal, who had earlier questioned the Congress leadership. Targeting Kapil Sibal, CM said that Sibal is "not a man of Congress culture" and does not know the "ABCD of Congress".
Talking to the media, CM Gehlot said that Congress is going through a difficult phase at the moment and Kapil Sibal should not make such a statement.
Gehlot said that Kapil Sibal entered the congress because he is a big and respected lawyer of the country. "With the blessings of Sonia Gandhi and the support of Rahul Gandhi, Kapil Sibal has got a lot of chances, got a place in the Union Cabinet, and was the spokesperson of the party," added Rajasthan CM.
Gehlot highlighted that no member of the Gandhi family has become a minister, chief minister, prime minister in the last 30 years. "The whole country knows that if the Congress is to be kept united, it can be kept united only under the leadership of the Gandhi family," added Gehlot.
(With agency inputs)
Also Read: Without Congress, UPA will be body without soul: Kapil Sibal