Udaipur (Rajasthan): Supreme Court judge Ajay Rastogi on Friday had a close shave after a high-speed Bolero rammed into one of the cars of his convoy in Rajasthan's Udaipur, police said. According to police officer Yogesh Chauhan from Hathipol police station, the Bolero collided with a car part of the convoy near the door of Kala of the police station area while the judge was on their way from the Dabok Airport to Circuit House.
The driver of the SUV fled the spot in the mishap in which no casualty was reported. Police started investigating the matter as to how the vehicle entered the convoy while coming from Udaipur Dabok Airport to Circuit House despite the security. The judge later safely reached the Circuit House of Udaipur.
The judges of the Supreme Court are coming to Udaipur to attend a two-day conference of Union of India Counsel (West Zone) Conference on "Emerging Legal Issues" in Udaipur on September 17 and 18. More than 300 government counsels of all agencies and departments of the Central government of Rajasthan, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Goa and Madhya Pradesh will participate in the event. Two Union ministers will also participate in the programme.