Lucknow (UP): Around 52 lakh students are taking the Class 10 and Class 12 UP Board examinations which began at 8 am sharp on Thursday morning. As per official figures, 27.8 lakh students have appeared for Class 10 and 24.1 lakh for Class 12. The exams are being held at 8,373 centres across the state. The students appearing in class 10 comprise 12,28,456 girls and 15,53,198 boys.
The UP Secondary Education Board (UPSEB) has identified 254 centres as 'highly-sensitive' and 861 centres as 'sensitive' in view of vulnerability for cheating. To prevent mass cheating in the UP board exams, the government has set up a state-level 'monitoring and control room' for CCTV surveillance and to monitor voice recordings. About 2.9 lakh CCTV cameras have been installed at 8,373 centres and 75 district control rooms (each in one district).
Over 2.7 lakh invigilators have been put on duty. Chief Secretary D.S. Mishra said that strict action will be taken against those spreading fake news during the examinations. Authorities have issued the Helpline and WhatsApp numbers for complaints in this regard - 8840850347 (WhatsApp), Helpline - 18001805310, 18001805312 for Prayagraj and 18001806607, 1800180660 for Lucknow. People can also lodge complaints through the Facebook page of UP Board Exam and Twitter- @upboardexam2022 and Fax No.- 0522 2237607.