Saharanpur (Uttar Pradesh): Clashes broke out between two communities in Salempur Gada village of Behat in Sharanpur district on Wednesday morning amid the preparations for Ravidas Jayanti. After receiving information, police teams rushed to the spot and pacified both parties. A heavy deployment of policemen was made in the village concerning the tension building up between the two communities.
As per the initial inputs, villagers had raised barricades in a street of the village to take out the tableau on Ravidas Jayanti. Meanwhile, a youth belonging to another community reached the spot with a tractor-trolley and removed the barricade and parked the tractor-trolley in a manner that blocked the way of the procession. As the other community opposed the move, clashes erupted. A video of the incident is also getting viral on social media.
Concerned police officer, Ramkaran Singh said they received a complaint from the community which had organised the event. "The matter is under investigation. Police force has been deployed in the village to maintain law and order," he said.
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