New Delhi: Union Civil Aviation Minister Jyotiraditya Scindia on Tuesday congratulated Indigo Airlines, a day after the airline announced to buy 500 A320 family aircraft from Airbus. Emphasising the significance of this landmark deal, the Civil Aviation Minister said, "I congratulate Indigo" and added that "it's a landmark transaction and very close on the heels of Air India's order of 470 aircraft. With this India has set another landmark."
Addressing the media from Rajiv Gandhi Bhavan, New Delhi, Scindia noted that "In 2013-14 the number of our air fleet stood around 400, it has risen by 75% and now stands at around 700." "If you look at Air India combining Air Bus and Boeing there is an order for 470 aircraft. This is more than the national air fleet in 2013-14. Now IndiGo has placed an order for 500 aircraft, this is more than 25% of our fleet in 2013-14. This shows that there is immense potential in the Civil Aviation sector of India," he said.
Also read: 'Largest-ever purchase': IndiGo beats Air India, takes giant leap in the aviation sector, orders 500 Airbus aircraft
Talking about the scope and the growth in the aviation sector, Scindia said, "India has set another landmark with this largest-ever order by a carrier with any aircraft manufacturer in the world." "Every dollar invested in civil aviation yields $3.1 in terms of new growth, as well as the employment multiplier. Every direct job in civil aviation results in 6.1 indirect jobs in the sector. And therefore, there are tremendous dividends that accrue from the ever-expanding civil aviation sector," he added.
He also spoke about how the aviation industry has been growing and noted the emergence of new airlines such as Akasa Air, India One Air, Star Air and others. The Union Minister also noted that "From 74 airports in 2013-2014 to 148 airports, water dromes and heliports, growth in our six metros," this shows how India has been growing.
"For, too long, international aviation hubs have been located outside our eastern border or western border. But now, we are working to create Delhi as the international aviation hub in India. With the expansion of infrastructure, increment in fleets, creating an international footprint within India, the PM's idea of democratising civil aviation has now become a reality," he said.