Sukma (Chhattisgarh): In a major success, Chhattisgarh police on Monday arrested a wanted Naxalite commander Tiger Hoonga, who was involved in the 2018 Improvised explosive device (IED) attack against Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) battalion. As per Sunil Sharma, Superintendent of Police (SP), Sukma, police was looking for the accused Naxalite commander since 2013 and was involved in 17 major Naxalite operations in the Kistaram area of the state.
"Naxalite commander Tiger Hoonga, who was involved in the 2018 IED attack against CRPF and another IED attack last year, has been arrested. We've been looking for him since 2013," he said. The SP added that the accused Naxalite was also involved in the looting and killing of local villagers.
Read: Dangerous Naxalite Santosh Markam killed in Dantewada encounter