Chennai (Tamil Nadu): The City Corporation, on Thursday, imposed a fine of Rs 25,000 on Indigo airlines for using banned plastic. The airlines has been providing face shields, masks and sanitisers to passengers, packed in single-use plastic covers. A notice to this effect was issued by the Deputy Commissioner (Health & Solid Waste Management) of Greater Chennai Corporation on August 19, 2021.
On August 13, Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board carried out a test on the envelope used by the airlines, and a report based on the test revealed that the plastic envelop had a thickness of 27 microns. As the said dimension falls in the banned category as per government orders issued earlier by the Environment and Forest Department on June 25, 2016, the airlines was issued a notice.
Also read: IndiGo's UAE bound flights cancelled for a week
As per the laws of the municipal corporation, the offence attracts a penalty for the first time itself, and also the laws prohibits the storage, supply, transport, sale and distribution of use and throw plastics.
"Indigo Airlines is fined Rs 25,000 for violating sections 349 and 28A of Chennai City Municipal Corporation Act, 1919. They should deposit the fine at the Treasury of Greater Chennai Corporation," the notice stated. The airlines was also further advised to use bio-degradable envelop instead of single-use plastic.