Chandigarh: The Chandigarh Court denied bail to the nephew of former Punjab Chief Minister Charanjit Channi, Bhupinder Singh Honey. The bench will next hear the case on April 27. The court heard the case virtually. Earlier, the Enforcement Directorate (ED) arrested Bhupinder Honey, accused of money laundering in an illegal sand mining case, and has been kept in the Kapurthala police station.
Meanwhile, Honey was also charged in a case of alleged illegal mining. The ED had recovered Rs 10 crore, gold worth about Rs 21 lakh, and a Rolex watch worth Rs 12 lakh from Bhupinder Singh Honey's house.
Of these, Rs 8 crore was recovered from Honey's Home Land Society Sector Sattar Mohali, and Rs 2 crore was recovered from a Ludhiana residence of one of his accomplices, Sandeep. The entire operation was carried out by the Punjab Police in 2018 on the basis of an FIR registered in Ropar police station in an illegal sand mining case.
Consequently, former Punjab Chief Minister Charanjit Channi was embroiled in the controversy after being questioned by the opposition parties.