Chandauli: Villagers attacked the police who arrived in the Chandauli district of Uttar Pradesh on Sunday resulting in six policemen being injured. Police sources said that the incident took place when the police contingent arrived in the village to resolve a dispute adding that Station House Officer (SHO) of Kandwa police station Harishchandra Saroj was also injured in the incident.
They further revealed that the mob also damaged the police jeep and pelted stones at the cops. Following the incident, a large police contingent led by the SP was deployed in the area. The injured policemen were admitted to the district hospital for treatment.
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SP of Chandauli Ankur Aggarwal said a home guard had died under suspicious circumstances in Kodai village of Kandwa police station area of Chandauli on Sunday. Following this, a case was registered against a person from a neighbouring village. He also said that on Sunday night, the son of the deceased home guard reached the house of the accused and started abusing him.
When the accused protested the two got involved in a scuffle. Seeing that the situation was going out of hand, the accused dialled 112 and called the police. When police reached the spot and tried to mediate, the villagers started misbehaving with the policemen. After Kandwa police station in-charge reached the spot, people started attacking the police. Apart from this, Chandauli SP also reached the spot and took stock of the situation. The SP said that further investigation is going on.