New Delhi: This year's partial lunar eclipse, which is also called as the eclipse of micro-beaver full moon, will be longest one in the century. The phenomenon will take place on the night of November 19. According to the experts, this eclipse occurs when moon is at the farthest point from the earth.
The scientific experts have also confirmed that this will be the longest lunar eclipse occurring after a time span of 580 years. It will start at 12:48 pm and will last until 4:17 pm in the evening, totaling to a time span of 3 hours, 24 minutes and 24 seconds. The experts have confirmed that 97% of the moon's face will be covered by shadow of the earth at the maximum point of the eclipse.
The beginning of the eclipse will be visible in the parts of West Africa, western Europe, North and South America, Asia, Australia and the Atlantic ocean. Whereas, the end of this eclipse will be visible from Australia, Thailand, Indonesia, China, Russia and some western parts of India.
Lunar eclipses are the phenomena that occur when the Earth slides between the moon and the sun, and its shadow falls on the moon covering some part of it. The portion of the moon's face being covered during the eclipses may differ depending on the type of eclipse.