Gandhinagar (Gujarat): The Central Government had announced a 'Scrap Policy' during the 2021-2022 Budget session in the Lok Sabha. Now the Gujarat government intends to implement this policy as per the rules of the Central Government. As per the information received from sources related to the scrap policy, all those vehicles registered prior to 2005 will be included in the scrap policy. Also, the cabinet meeting of the Union government had approved eight rules which has been endorsed by the Road Transport and Highways Minister Nitin Gadkari.
In Gujarat, at present the age limit to operate new vehicles registered by the RTO department is up to 15 years. These include two wheelers and four wheelers. In case of re-registration, after completion of 15 years, only an additional five years will be allowed by the RTO department. Speaking about the new scrap policy of the central government, the decision has been taken to curb the pollution emitted by old vehicles and also to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide. While older vehicles emit more pollution than newer vehicles, this new policy will remove 15 to 20-year-old vehicles from the road and will also significantly lower pollution.
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Details of vehicles which are to complete over 15 years
Year 2000-2001
Transport Vehicles 8,26,046
Non Transport Vehicles 47,49,994
Total Vehicles 55,76,040
Year 2001-2002
Transport Vehicles 8,58,113
Non Transport Vehicles 51,49,856
Total Vehicles 60,07,969
Year 2002-2003
Transport Vehicles 8,99,284
Non Transport Vehicles 56,09,086
Total vehicles 65,08,370
Years 2003-2004
Transport vehicles 9,51,943
Non-transport vehicles 61,35,597
Total vehicles 70,87,640
Years 2004-2005
Transport vehicles 10,16,149
Non-transport vehicles 68,01,123
Total vehicles 78,17,272
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In Gujarat a total of 3,29,97,291 vehicles were registered between 2000 to 2005, and all these vehicles would now fall under the scrap policy. Apart from this, many other vehicles plying on Gujarat roads and in rural areas are reportedly registered between 1991 to 1999 are still in operation. Considering this, more than 50 million vehicles in the state are likely to be scrapped, subject to the new policy.
When the Scrap Policy decision was announced by the Central Government, the Gujarat government had announced that they would study these new laws and policies and amend them within certain limits. In this regard, the Gujarat government will introduce a bill to amend the new rules on the table of the Legislative Assembly, after which the new policies will be implemented in Gujarat.