Bengaluru: The City Crime Branch police have arrested five persons, accused of selling antique items including Ambergris illegally. Antiques worth over Rs 80 crore were seized from them.
Known as 'floating gold' ambergris is a wax-like substance found in the digestive system of sperm whales. With its unique odour, it is used in the production of musk products and perfumes. It is highly valuable and rare.
Mujeeb Pasha (48), Mohammed Munna (45), Gulab Chand (40), Santosh (31) and Jagannath Achar (52) were arrested.
After receiving a tip-off, police raided a building near Bagalagunte where the items were stored. Red mercury bottle which existed during the British era was also confiscated along with 80 kilograms of Ambergris.
As per the Wildlife Protection Act, sale and possession of ambergris are punishable offences. Sperm whales are listed as endangered species.
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