New Delhi: The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) on Wednesday declared the result of the Class XII compartment exam. Students can check their results for CBSE Class XII Compartment Examination 2021 on the official website of CBSE -
CBSE had conducted a Compartmental examination from August 15 to 25 at 1,399 centres across the nation and abroad.
As per information placed before Supreme Court, the board had to declare the result before 30 September, accordingly the board has declared the result today.
A total of 94,405 students were registered for different papers. Regular category students who were already declared pass have also attended the examination for the improvement of their performance.
For universities who have taken the API link from CBSE, the marks of the candidates whose result has been declared today will automatically be updated.
Read: CBSE launches paperless, tamper-proof result certificates