New Delhi: The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has declared the class 10 results 2021 on Tuesday at 12 PM exactly without any delay. Girls outshone boys by a slender margin of 0.35 per cent while 99.04 per cent students passed the class 10 exams, the results which were declared by the CBSE on Tuesday. According to CBSE data, 57,824 students have scored above 95 per cent marks, while 2,00,962 candidates have scored between 90 and 95 per cent. Trivandrum region has achieved the highest pass percentage of 99.99 per cent followed by Bengaluru (99.96 per cent) and Chennai (99.94 per cent)
"The result of 16,639 students is till under process. No merit list will be declared this year and no merit certificates will be issued to students," said BSE Examination Controller Sanyam Bharwdaj, adding that a total of 17,636 candidates have been placed under compartment. The number of Children with Special Needs scoring above 95 per cent is 53 while 224 students in the category have scored above 90 per cent. In CBSE-affiliated schools abroad, 99.92 per cent students have passed class 10.
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Kendriya Vidalayas and the schools under the Central Tibetan Schools Administration have achieved a 100 per cent pass percentage as against 99.23 per cent and 93.67 per cent respectively last year. The Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas have improved their pass percentage from 98.66 to 99.99 this year. The pass percentage of government and government-aided schools is 96.03 and 95.88 percent respectively. While, the pass percentage of private schools has increased by over six per cent since last year.
"The compartment examination will be conducted between August 16 and September 15. The exact dates will be announced in some time," Bhardwaj said. The board exams were cancelled this year in view of the aggressive second wave of COVID-19. The result has been announced on the basis of an alternate assessment policy. According to the policy, while 20 marks for each subject were for internal assessment as every year, 80 marks were calculated on basis of the students' performance in various tests or exams throughout the year.
Read: CBSE class 12 results: Girls outshine boys
The results will also be available on its official website ''. The candidates will also be able to check their marks on - and They can also check their scores via other methods including SMS, Umang app and Digilocker. Earlier in the day, CBSE on its Twitter handle had said that students can find their Roll Number using the Finder on
On July 30, CBSE had declared the results for class 12 board examinations. The examination was scheduled to be held in May but was cancelled due to a surge in COVID-19 cases. Maintaining the previous trend, girls outshone boys in CBSE class 12 exams this year by a margin of 0.54 percent, while over 70,000 students scored above 95 percent marks. Girls have done better than boys by 0.54 percent. The pass percentage this year is 99.37 percent. No merit list has been announced,' a senior board official said. The result for over 65,000 candidates is still being prepared and will be declared by August 5
(with agency inputs)