Nagpur: The CBI has arrested over nine persons for joining as the employees of the Income Tax (IT) department by allegedly engaging dummy candidates to write the mandatory recruitment test on their behalf, sources said. Shocking facts were revealed during the investigation of the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI). The anti-corruption branch (ACB) of the CBI arrested the nine accused on Monday.
The CBI's ACB in Nagpur registered a case in 2018 after allegations surfaced that 12 I-T staffers had joined as stenographers and to posts of multi-tasking staff (MTS) in a fraudulent manner. The case was booked under relevant sections of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) and the Prevention of Corruption Act. They were charged with not appearing for the examination conducted by the Staff Selection Commission (SSC).
The central agency in a release said that during the investigation of the case, examination papers and other documents of these candidates containing their handwriting, signatures and thumb impressions were sent for forensic analysis.
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The forensic analysis established that out of these 12, nine candidates had not actually appeared for the said test, said the release. Instead, dummy candidates wrote the recruitment examination on their behalf, claimed the CBI. These fraudulent I-T department employees were arrested and produced in a local court. They also got promotions.
The CBI was given custody of the accused till December 16. The investigation was done under the supervision of Deputy Inspector General (CBI- Nagpur) Salim Khan, said the release.