Mumbai: The CBI on Sunday arrested an alleged middleman, Santosh Shankar Jagtap, in connection with its probe into the alleged bribery and corruption charges against former Maharashtra Home Minister Anil Deshmukh. The agency produced Jagatap before a court where he was remanded into CBI custody till November 4. It was alleged that Jagtap was involved in transfers and postings of government officials. Earlier Jagatap has ignored the summons of CBI to help in the probe.
The agency has arrested him from his residence at Thane, Mumbai. The CBI is investigating the corruption case against Deshmukh wherein former Mumbai Police commissioner Param Bir Singh has alleged that the NCP leader had asked now-dismissed police officer Sachin Waze to illegally collect Rs 100 crore from bar owners in the city every month for him.
The FIR states, "The preliminary enquiry prima facie revealed that a cognisable offence is made out in the matter, wherein the then Home Minister of Maharashtra Anil Deshmukh and unknown others have attempted to obtain undue advantage for the improper and dishonest performance of their public duty."
Earlier, the agency had also raided the premises of Deshmukh in Mumbai and Nagpur.
Also Read: HC refuses to quash ED summons issued to Anil Deshmukh in alleged money laundering case