Kathua: Burglars on Sunday night struck at a private bank in the Hatli Morh area of Kathua in Jammu Kashmir and decamped with Rs 1crore cash, a bank official said on Monday. “They managed to reach up to cash chest and decamped with money,” bank officials said adding that, some amount was left behind in chest while some amount was recovered from the rooftop of bank and the remaining amount is missing which is believed to be Rs 1 crore. Meanwhile, Police said that an investigation into the matter is going on and a massive manhunt has been launched to track the accused involved in the act.
Meanwhile, the bank security guard, said there were two masked robbers who spoke in Punjabi and Dogri, entered the bank through the building’s roof and tied up the unarmed guard. The robbers broke open the locks of the trunks that contained cash, stuffed the money inside their bags, and left through the roof.