Mumbai (Maharashtra): The Mumbai police on Friday brought Shweta Singh and Mayank Rawal, the two accused in the 'Bulli Bai' app case, to the city.
The two accused will be produced before Bandra court in the afternoon.
The two were brought to Mumbai through transit remand from Uttarakhand. Currently, they are lodged in Bandra police lockup.
On Thursday, Delhi Police had made the fourth arrest in the case that involves targeting and humiliating prominent Muslim women online.
The Intelligence Fusion and Strategic Operation (IFSO) unit of Delhi Police Special Cell arrested Neeraj Bishnoi, allegedly the main conspirator and creator of 'Bulli Bai' on GitHub.
He was also the main Twitter account holder of the app, and was being brought to Delhi, said DCP (IFSO) KPS Malhotra.
"He has confessed, but most importantly, we've acquired technical evidence required from his laptop & mobile. Whole network has been busted."
Bishnoi told the police he developed the app in November 2021. He said he created one more Twitter account to talk about the app.
The Mumbai police had registered a First Information Report (FIR) against unidentified persons following complaints that doctored photographs of hundreds of Muslim women were uploaded for 'auction' on the app called 'Bulli Bai', hosted on the open-source software platform GitHub.
The app appeared to be a clone of Sulli Deals which triggered a similar row last year.
Read: EXPLAINED: What are Bulli Bai, Sulli Deals apps that sparked outrage?