New Delhi: The Border Security Force has rescued 135 rare species of birds (parrots) from the clutches of smugglers near the India-Bangladesh International Border in West Bengal's Nadia district. The smugglers were trying to smuggle these birds from India to Bangladesh.
Foiling the attempts of smugglers, the BSF said, its troops under South Bengal Frontier rescued these 135 rare species of birds (parrots) from the clutches of smugglers in their area of responsibility in the Indo-Bangladesh International Border area. The incident took place at 12.50 am on March 1 in the area of Border Out Post Betai, under 84 Battalion of BSF.
"The jawans on duty sensed some suspicious activity while patrolling in their area of responsibility and immediately cordoned off the area. During the search, the smugglers started running away. Meanwhile, the jawans got two cages from the spot, out of which 135 rare species of parrots were found," said the BSF. The seized birds have been handed over to the Forest Department Bathuadahari for further legal action.
The Commanding Officer of 84 Battalion expressed satisfaction over the success of the jawans and stated that this is only a reflection of the vigilance displayed by BSF jawans on duty. (ANI)