Goshamahal (Telangana): Amid the ongoing assembly polls in Uttar Pradesh, MLA Raja Singh from Hyderabad's Goshamahal has threatened the voters to vote for Yogi Adityanath or face the consequences. In a video that the MLA recently released, he can be heard saying that he will send bulldozers and JCBs to the houses of the people who do not vote for Yogi Adityanath.
The MLA has a record of getting caught up in controversies by making objectionable statements and with this one too, he has attracted attention and criticism from the voters. It is also pertinent to notice that he is especially appealing the Hindus of the state to vote for Yogi.
In the video, he can be heard saying, "The first and second phase polling of the UP elections has been completed. Some assemblies recorded high polling, while some did not. I know there are many people conspiring against Yogiji. And I am warning them. Yogiji has brought thousands of JCBs and bulldozers into UP. After the polling, we will list out the voters who do not cast their votes to BJP. You might have already guessed what the bulldozers and JCBs are for. If you want to live in UP, you should vote for BJP or leave the state."
Also read: 'Yogi Ji wants me killed': SBSP chief Om Prakash Rajbhar alleges attack by BJP goons in Varanasi