New Delhi: In a bid to reach the helm of Karnataka for the second consecutive time, Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has planned a 20-day mega rally, Vijay Sankalp Yatra, starting from March 1. With the mission to win over 150 seats in the 224 member-Assembly seats, the ruling party is going to start its mega-election campaign.
According to a party source, BJP has planned to take out four separate yatras in Karnataka from March 1. Detailing about the yatras, he said that this program of yatras will start on March 1 and continue for 20 days. The four yatras will start from different parts of Karnataka and after 20 days will converge at one place. The BJP also plans to hold a big rally on the concluding day of the mega campaign.
The source further said that during 'Vijay Sankalp Yatra', the party will contact and communicate with the people through road shows, public meetings and public relations campaign. Union Home Minister Amit Shah, Defence Minister Rajnath Singh, party national president JP Nadda and former Karnataka Chief Minister Yeddyurappa along with many other national and state leaders of BJP will join the 'Vijay Sankalp Yatra' to reach out to the voters of the state.
The party has earlier launched two big campaigns in Karnataka - 'Booth Vijay Abhiyan' and 'Vijay Sankalp Abhiyan' and now it is going to start this campaign in the name of 'Vijay Sankalp Yatra' in the state from March 1 (ANI)