New Delhi: The BJP on Saturday released its second list of six candidates for the Gujarat Assembly polls.The six seats from which the saffron party has announced the candidates in the second list will go to polls on December 1. The candidates, who were able to make it to the second list of the BJP, are Mahendrabhai Padlia from Dhoraji, Mullubhai Bera from Khambhalia, Dhelibehan Maldebai Odedara from Kutiyana, Sejal Rajiv Kumar Pandya from Bhavnagar East, Hitesh Devji Vasava from Dediapada and Sandeep Desai from Choryasi.
Earlier, on November 10, the BJP had released its first list of 160 candidates. In the first list, the BJP had announced candidates for 83 seats going to polls in first phase and 77 seats going to the polls in second phase. Of the total 182 seats in the state, 89 seats will go to polls on December 1 and the rest 93 on December 5. The last date for filing nominations for the first phase is November 14 and for the second phase it is November 17. The counting of the votes will be taken up on December 8. (IANS)
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