Chandigarh: Slamming Navjot Singh Sidhu, Rajya Sabha MP Shwait Malik said that Sidhu's resignation drama proves that he is not mentally stable. He added that Sidhu is dictatorial by nature and when he was with BJP, he used to do such antics for blackmailing and forced the party to accept his demands even when they were wrong.
Also Read: 5 reasons for Navjot Singh Sidhu's resignation as state Congress president
The former BJP Punjab state president further said that Sidhu's character has also come under question because of his resignation. Captain Amarinder Singh had also informed the Congress High Command that he will oppose Sidhu because of his links with Pakistan Army General, ISI, and anti-India forces. So, Sidhu has lost his credibility and the entire nation know about his bonhomie with Pakistan PM Imran Khan. He further added that Sidhu has never been a trustworthy person for both BJP and Congress.
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