Rampur: BJP MP Ghanshyam Singh Lodhi was threatened with dire consequences if he did not quit the saffron party, via text messages received through his WhatsApp late on Friday. The sender has threatened to blow him up if fails to leave the BJP, while the Rampur Lok Sabha MP has lodged a complaint as well.
The Uttar Pradesh Police in turn have registered a case in this regard. "We have registered a case against the unknown person. Teams have been formed to probe whether the WhatsApp message the MP received has been sent to other people as well," Superintendent of Police (SP) Rampur, Ashok Kumar Shukla was quoted as saying by the ANI.
Police said the sender has asked the Rampur MP to ditch BJP or he will be killed. "He (sender) has introduced himself as Sandeep Singh Khalistani, a member of Lashkar-e-Khalsa," the police said. Meanwhile, the MP said that he had been getting calls on WhatsApp from an unknown caller since morning and he ignored them.
Late into the evening, the MP received death threats from the same number on his WhatsApp. Ghanshyam said the sender had warned him to leave the Bharatiya Janata Party. "He said he would kill me and my family will be blown into pieces if I did not pay heed to him," the Lok Sabha member said.