Ayodhya (UP): Police booked a BJP MLA's son in a robbery and assault case. An FIR was lodged in the Kotwali city police station of Faizabad based on a complaint lodged by Shyam Bahadur Singh, a resident of Ramnagar village in the Khandasa police station area of the district. Singh in his complaint stated that late on Monday night four people came in a vehicle and attacked him. They bashed him up brutally and one of them aimed a pistol from point-blank range at him and threatened to shoot him.
The vehicle was being driven by Alok Yadav, son of Rudauli BJP MLA Ram Chandra Yadav, he alleged. They also snatched a bag containing Rs 1 lakh cash and some documents, he said, adding that when he raised an alarm, the public gathered there, but the assailants fled on seeing the crowd. The incident has been captured in a CCTV camera installed there, he said. Singh in his complaint has further stated that if any mishappening takes place with him or with his family, Rudauli MLA Ram Chandra Yadav will be held responsible for it. He also apprehended that in the future he might be targeted. Ayodhya SSP Shailesh Pandey said the FIR was registered on Tuesday evening and the investigation is on.