Gwalior: Anoop Mishra, the nephew of former Prime Minister Atal Vihari Vajpayee and a veteran BJP leader, appears to be making a comeback in Madhya Pradesh politics. The former minister had distanced himself from active politics after his defeat in 2018 by-elections. Recently, in an interview with ETV Bharat, however, Mishra's comments indicated a fiery return to the main political fold.
Mishra said he was looking forward to the 'great war' of 2023, and that he would contest the assembly elections himself. Speaking about BJP leader and aviation minister Jyotiraditya Scindia, the BJP veteran assumed an implicative tone, comparing the former to a new child at home.
"Due to the arrival of a new child at home, the elder brother or sister sometimes feels that the mother is not paying attention to him/her.
With the passing of time, it is realized that undivided attention by the mother is provided in order to bring up the younger child in a proper manner. BJP is doing the same thing. It is teaching (him) how to behave, explaining the customs right now," Mishra said.
Also read: Over 4K Indian students to be evacuated from Romania: Scindia