Shimla: The BJP changed its Kullu Sadar candidate on the last day for the filing of nominations for the Himachal Pradesh Assembly polls after his son submitted papers as an independent against the party choice in the state's Banjar. Narottam Thakur, a retired teacher, filed his papers as the BJP candidate in place of Maheshwar Singh, a party leader said.
Till 1 pm, it was not clear who will file papers for the seat. Maheshwar Singh was dropped by the party after his son Hiteshwar filed his nomination as an independent candidate from the Banjar seat against the party's official candidate, the leader said. Maheshwar Singh had earlier filed his papers on October 21 after he was declared the BJP candidate from Kullu Sadar but did not receive the official letter confirming it.
After the cancellation of his ticket, Maheshwar Singh called a meeting of his supporters in Bhuntar to chalk out future strategy. Meanwhile, another BJP leader from Kullu Sadar, Ram Singh, also filed his nomination as an independent candidate. He held the position of the state vice president of the BJP. (PTI)