New Delhi: Former Union Minister and Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) MP Rajiv Pratap Rudy speaks to ETV Bharat regarding the continuous demand of Janata Dal-United (JDU) leaders to bestow Bihar with 'special status."
He said that "Central government is giving 70% amount in every scheme of the state. The same amount was received by every other backward state which has developed."
He further adds that Bihar has been a backward state for the past several years and asked, "Why even after the partition of the state it remains to be a backward state, no matter whose government it is."
Rudy states that it is necessary to pay attention to where Bihar is lacking "Where do things need to be fixed?" he adds.
Former Union Minister said that we need to make a concrete policy so that Bihar develops rapidly.
On the liquor ban implemented in Bihar, he said that it is a good decision but we need to see how it is implemented. He further adds that states like Tamil Nadu, Gujarat, and Maharashtra have had earlier taken the same decision.
BJP MP said that "we need to further ponder on the next move after the liquor ban."
Rudy rules out differences between JDU and BJP regarding special status, caste census, and liquor ban. "Every party has a different opinion on different issues. Bihar government is running firmly in Bihar," he adds.
Meanwhile, there is a fierce confrontation between JDU and BJP over the issue of special status. JDU is continuously raising the issue in Parliament.
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