New Delhi: Taking a dig at Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD), Bihar Panchyati Raj Minister and BJP leader Samrat Chaudhary on Sunday said the RJD should introspect and play the role of Opposition proactively, rather than being restless to contest state Legislative Assembly elections in Assam and West Bengal.
Speaking to ETV Bharat, he claimed that the RJD will not even win a single seat in both states if it contests the election.
"There will not be any harm to the BJP even if the RJD enter into an alliance with any party in Assam and West Bengal. The RJD will never be able to become a national party," he added.
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Chaudhary also said that the JD(U) is also contesting elections in Assam and West Bengal, but the saffron party is not in alliance with it in both these states.
He further said that the BJP is fully prepared for the Assembly elections in Assam, Kerala, West Bengal, Tamil Nadu and Puducherry.
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"We (BJP) will also form the government in West Bengal with a thumping majority. There is a possibility of a BJP government in Puducherry too and in Kerala our seats will increase compared to earlier," he added.
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