Vaishali (Bihar): A horse in Bihar's famous Sonepur fair has been priced at a whopping Rs 1 crore. The horse named Badal was bought 11 years ago by Vijendra Rai, a resident of Sonepur Diyara. The fair is held in Vaishali.
" Back then we purchased Badal for Rs 2.5 lakh. Even then people were ready to buy for Rs.10-20 lakhs. But we don't want to sell it as it is lucky for our family. I share a strong bond with Badal. Even if I get a price of Rs 1 crore, I will not sell it," said Rai.
Rai claimed that after purchasing the horse the financial condition of his family improved a lot adding that he has no plans to sell it no matter what price is offered to him. Such exotic animals are often exhibited at the Sonepur fair.