Bhagalpur (Bihar): A bizarre incident in the Dholbajja area in Bihar's Bhagalpur district has surfaced. A policeman who was on a night patrolling stole a table fan kept outside a house. The incident was captured on a CCTV camera; putting Bhagalpur police in an embarrassing situation. After scanning the CCTV footage, the house owner also was puzzled to see a policeman loading the table fan inside the police patrolling vehicle.
When house owner Subodh Chaudhary went to the police station to file the complaint; Chaudhary was asked to leave. But when he showed the CCTV camera footage to police officials, they were also taken aback by the incident.
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The incident occurred on the night of September 26, when a police patrolling vehicle was making rounds in the Dholbajja area of Bhagalpur. The police vehicle stopped near a house; the policeman went to the house and lifted the fan and after putting it inside the vehicle, and then sped away.
Dholbajja SHO Prabhat Kumar said, "The fan was kept outside the house. Hence the policemen on night patrolling duty took the fan into their custody. The fan was now handed over to the owner. Naugachchia SP has ordered a probe into the incident."