Patna: Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar's steamer Saturday crashed into a pillar as he was inspecting the Chhath Ghats on the banks of the Ganges in Patna. The steamer collided with the pillar of the JP bridge after developing some technical snag.
There was no injury reported in the incident although the steamer suffered some minor damage. All the people aboard are said to be safe. Following the incident, the Chief Minister and all the officers accompanying him carried on with the inspection in a different steamer.
Every year before the Chhath puja, the Chief Minister inspects the Ganga Ghats multiple times. Last year as well, Chhath was organized at the Ganga Ghats, but due to Covid-19, a lot of precaution was taken. This year, however, a large number of people are expected to participate in the prayers.
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Meanwhile, Patna district magistrate (DM) Dr Chandrashekhar Singh has already surveyed the Ganga Ghats and asked for a report so that in view of the latest condition of the ghats, necessary preparations can be made for the festival.
The DM said that 105 Ganga Ghats in Patna have been inspected by a team of experts. According to the team's report, arrangements will be made for access roads, vehicle parking, toilets, drinking water and other public facilities.
Six days after Diwali, the festival of Chhath Puja is celebrated with great pomp. The preparation for this festival starts many days in advance. This time Chhath Puja will be celebrated on October 30. Chhath Puja is celebrated on the sixth day of Shukla Paksha of Kartik month of the Hindu calendar.