Dimapur: Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar, who was here on Tuesday to attend a programme on the occasion of Lok Nayak Jayaprakash Narayan 120th birth anniversary, appealed to the Centre and Naga groups to find a solution to the age-old vexed political issue at the earliest. Kumar gave assurance that he would do all that was possible on his part to support the cause.
Jaya Prakash Narayan, or JP as he is popularly known as, had spent three years in the 1960s in the north eastern state, where he is still revered by locals. Addressing people during a function at DDSC Stadium here, organised by All Nagaland Bihari, Kumar lamented that the political issue, despite several rounds of talks and negotiations over the years, hasn't been resolved.
The Bihar CM said that he would highlight the matter everywhere he goes to, and seek support for an early resolution. Paying rich tributes to JP, he said that the socialist leader made immense contributions in many fields, be it during the freedom struggle or to take the country forward. During his stay in Nagaland -- from 1964 to 1967 JP spread the message of love and peace among people, Kumar recalled.
JP, who had come to Nagaland as a member of a peace mission, had opened a peace camp at Chedema, which is still functional, the JD(U) leader noted. People of Bihar live in Nagaland in large numbers and work here; and there is a mutual feeling of love and respect among the residents of the two states, Kumar said. Kumar also invited the people of Nagaland to Bihar, asserting that his government does not discriminate against any religion or sects. JD(U) national president Rajiv Ranjan (Lalan) Singh, the party's Nagaland chief, NSN Lotha, and other leaders from Bihar were among those who addressed people on the occasion. (PTI)